Friday, August 1, 2008

Did You Know?

EVENTistas not only blogs about weddings, but we also blog about interior design projects and ideas for couples and their new home or apartment! Most of the time new couples that get hitched will move into their new 'nest' after their big day. This is where couples sometimes struggle over the "yours, mine and ours" concept. Merging two styles is never easy and trying to determine what stays and what goes can be a headache for the new couple.Here are a few tips to get started if you are about to combine all the his and hers worldy possesions into one cozy home.

Tip # 1 - Make at least one or two items off limits to get rid of. This helps especially when you (men) see your things being tossed in boxes and shipped out faster than a Netflix video!

Tip # 2 - Try not to make this too feminie or too masucline because this will make it seem like your other half doesn't live there. Compromise on colors, textures, and themes.

Tip # 3 - Don't over do it. I am all for balance in a room and having both parties be comfortable but when you are trying to combine too many things into one space; items get lost, and the feel of the room becomes over crowded.

Tip # 4 - Learn when to let go. Just like that old tshirt you've had since your freshman year of college some of your belongings are way past expiration date. Some things just can't be salvaged like milk crates being used as seating, old shopping bags that you may need to use at any given time, or any items that fall into the I-don't-know-what-it-is-but-I-may-need-it category

Tip # 5 - Collectibles. There is a neverending list of things that people collect and even more reasons why they started collecting that specific thing. Here's how to handle it: depending on what kind of collection it is it may be something that can be displayed in your home (depending on size). If the collector is content with having their collection stored away, you may want to try packaging it carefully and moving it to the basement or attic. This way the collector still has their stuff and its out of the way.

If you have more questions or need more tips email us at